Friday, July 31, 2009

3.5 year run is over

Ben got his first trip to the ER last night. For a couple years now I have been saying to Todd "Wow I can't believe we haven't been to the ER with him yet". Todd keeps telling me I am jinxing us. Well as of last night, we have been to the ER.

Ben was headed into the bathroom with a bit of "the crazy" in his eyes, as we like to call it. He pulled the door over the top of his big toe, taking the nail right along with it. It was only halfway pulled off and there was a good amount of blood. He wasn't really letting me touch it (can you blame him??) so I decided to take him into the ER and have it looked at in case they needed to do any repair or to cut off the nail.

Ben was a trooper!! He was understandably upset that we had to go to the hospital but was not hysterical. As soon as the first nurse asked him what had happened he started in on the ENTIRE STORY, not leaving out any little bit. That nurse didn't know what she was getting into with that question!

We got back into a treatment area and the nurses started working on cleaning it for him. If you have ever met my son, you know this kid can talk! OH WOW DID HE TALK. That nurse knew his entire life story. Including reviews of what he thought of the amenities at the hospital.

"We have nice big fuzzy blankets at our house but not like these ones you have here. These ones are little and scratchy."

The nurse told him that she had very special hospital apple juice and that it would go all the way to his toes and make it feel better. He drank some of the juice, looked at me, and said "Mommy it's not working it's only in my tummy." I told him to wait a few minutes maybe it took some time to work. So we talked about some other things then all of a sudden he said "MOMMY I feel it, I feel it, it's in my toes and it feels all better!"

Oh my.

On the way home in the cab he thanked me for taking him to fun places. I asked him what fun place I took him to that day, we had gone shopping and out to lunch earlier that afternoon. He looked at me like I lost my head.

"The Emergency Room!!"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Let's see, what has been going on here....

Update just for Pat!

I know there are probably some of you out there who still read this, so I will try and be a little better about writing on it. We have had some doosies of stories around here lately.

Let's see let's see what has happened since my last update back in march.... oh yes, we had a baby.

Beautiful, precious little Erin Patricia was born on April 20th at about 9pm, weighing in at 8lbs 15oz and measuring 21 inches long. I went in for a normal doc appointment on the Monday morning, feeling quite DONE with being pregnant and all that came with it. We knew she was a biggie from an ultrasound we had done the week before when they estimated her at 9.5 lbs. Now at 38 weeks pregnant knowing she was big and healthy and since I was already 5 cm dialted, my doc and I decided (well I begged, he decided) that maybe it was the dya to have a baby.

Labor was normal and fast, pushing not so much! She was a little sideways and a little large, so she had a hard time coming out. But in the end all was well with both of us.

Ben is a normal big brother. Not overly doting, in fact most of the time he forgets she is here until she cries or he notices one of us paying attention to her. We have a little jelousy but it is directed at us as mom and dad and not towards the baby. Mostly things like deciding to throw things at the wall, or make loud noises when I have to stop playing to feed her or change her.

Todd's sister Wendy also had her baby, 3 weeks before Erin was born, a little boy named Miles. Needless to say the Whitehead grandparents are overjoyed at their new grandkids. And I have to say it is a lot of fun doing this with a partner in motherhood this time around. We get to compare notes! Knowing the kids are going to grow up together is wonderful, they will always have a playmate. Well until they hit around 8 years old when "girls are icky, and boys stink"!

My parents came for a visit a couple weeks ago and we had a lovely time. They got to give all their cuddles and spoil the kids a little. Ben went on his first fishing trip with Papa! We were sad to see them go!

We are still trying to sell our condo. It has been on the market over 2 months now without any offers. It is a tough market, but it is tougher living in a two bedroom high rise with a kid who REALLY needs a backyard and a newborn who REALLY needs her own room. So we will stick with it until we find a buyer.

So things are busy here. Ben is always "on" and the talking never stops, Erin doesn't lift a finger around here, Todd works hard and has to come home and try and give me a break. And me, I'm hanging in there enjoying my family and trying not to get lost in the day to day business of having two kids and trying to sell a house.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shaggy Dog

My son was a shaggy dog, a little head amongst the mop of blond hair. So I suggested yesterday that we might have to go get a haircut. Ben was against this idea quite strongly. He wanted Mommy to cut it at home, but mommy isn't really good at the haircutting and is a little worried she might make it worse.

Me: Well Bugs I think we need to go to the haircutter.
Ben: Why? NO!
Me: So we can get the hair out of your eyes, it keeps falling down.
Ben: I'll brush it with a comb!
Me: Good idea, but it will still fall back down.
Ben: I'll hold it with my hand like this. *holding back his bangs on his head*
Me: But you can't hold your hand like that forever!!
Ben: Ummm OK. I know I have a good idea. I'll wear a HAT!!

Oh my, I think this kid needs to be a lawyer like daddy. He always has an answer.

We did end up going to the Haircuttery and getting a haircut this morning. There were a lot of bribes and treats involved. The hairdresser did it FAST! And left a few places that need a good trim, but I can handle that. At least you can see my kid's eyes again.

News of the other child in our family:
Baby girl sent mommy to the hospital on Wednesday morning with some contractions. I had been told at my appointment on Tuesday that I was 2 cm dilated and was started on steroid shots to strengthen her lungs in case she came early. I didn't feel great that evening and woke up with some pains. The office sent me to labor and delivery where I was monitored for about 5 hours. My contractions lessened to about 2 an hour and were not strong at all, I dilated to 3cm. The baby looked great, and I got some more steroids there. They kept me overnight for observation and had an ultrasound in the morning. Nothing new to tell as of now. No pains, and baby is moving around well. Just waiting on her to make her big arrival, it could be soon, it could be another week! (For those not keeping exact track, I am just 34 weeks pregnant, Ben was born at this gestational age as well)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm passing along the important parts of being a member of the Jones Family

He only won a free ticket....but hey that's somethin'!

Ben is three!!

Last Saturday we celebrated Ben's 3rd birthday. I can't believe he is already three, I am in shock. He thinks its no big deal, because he's a big boy you know?!

We had a small party and celebrated with Ben's cousin Dean, who turned 2 just the day before. Just family and close friends, and it was a perfect party for them. They had a blast playing together, and LOVED their cake.

Today was Ben's 3 year checkup. We haven't been to the doctor with Ben since last June. He had pinkeye, they didn't measure him or anything. The time before that was for his 2 year checkup. He was 50th% for weight and 75th% for height.

One year later my kid has become a giant. He is 90-95% for height and 95% for weight. The doctor said he is the size of an average 5 year old. WHOA! Everyone always comments that he is so tall, and people always guess his age at 4 or 5 but I always thought they were crazy. He's 3 he looks 3! I guess I was the crazy one.

Anyway, the 3 year appointment was an easy one, no ouchies! They just played games like jumping and signing songs and finding the letters in a book. Ben thought it was a blast and told me that "that doctor was the nicest" after the visit.
Very nice to not have a stressful appointment!

(Sorry those pics are sideways, I'll try and fix them later!)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

That's what I do best

We are watching the old school Winnie the Pooh movie, and there is a part where Tigger has gotten in trouble for bouncing and told that he can't bounce anymore. Tigger is walking away looking very sad.

Ben: Why is Tigger sad mommy?
Me: Because he can't bounce anymore.
Ben: Why?
Me: Because he got in trouble and Rabbit said he couldn't bounce any more.
Ben: *thoughtful/sad look for a few seconds* BUT MOMMY! That is what Tiggers do BEST!

He is a very sensitive child, hates seeing other people sad, even if it is just a cartoon Tigger!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Me: I have a headache
Ben: What hurts? Where you hurt?
Me: Right here on my head, I have a headache.
Ben: Oh no!
Me: I think I'll name my headache Ben.
Ben: I have a headache too!
Me: Really? What is your's named?
Ben: Little Sister.

I think he has this whole "having a little sister" thing alllllll figured out already!